⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ "What makes this series great is the element of mystery." Goodreads

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ "I could see every moment playing out like a movie in my mind as I turned the pages." Amazon Reviewer

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ "Escape is MARVELOUS" Amazon Reviewer

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ "A triumph, full of tension with a terrific twist." Amazon Reviewer


From the book...

A gamekeeper ran in, a shotgun slung across his chest. 'The militia's coming. Five minutes.'

Sophie's insides clenched. No.

Richard leapt to his feet and addressed the footmen. 'Tell everyone we've left for the station, caught the London train. Take the dogs downstairs and keep them there. Get rid of any warm food from the table and clear it. Mr Crawford, you're with me.'

Sophie grabbed Charlotte and Jack. Both alert, sensing fear. She handed them over to a footman. Her pistol was in the bedroom, the shotgun and rifle in Lucy's cottage, no time—

Freddy took her arm and half dragged her out of the room after Anne.

In the small drawing room, Richard and the butler were frantically dismantling the linen cupboard and Sophie's heart hammered so hard she thought she'd faint.

'Go quickly,' said Richard, 'but don't slip.'

Anne bent her head and disappeared down the steps into the priest hole, Sophie close behind. Anne sat on an upright chair in the gloom. Freddy, Hugo, and Richard hurried in, Mr Crawford stuffed the linen back and closed the door.

A key turned in the lock.

The boys sat on the floor either side of Sophie, their pale faces strafed in light from cracks in the cupboard door. Richard knelt at the top of the stairs. He closed a metal panel and pulled a bolt home.

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